Our Thoughts Matter

With all of the different opinions and perspectives coming at us from every direction, it’s great to know that there’s something we can truly count on and that is: God loves us!

God loves us so much that not only did he create us, he created us in his image with the ability to think.

The Bible encourages us to think about the right things (see Philippians 4:8) and to take every thought captive (see 2 Corinthians 10:5).

Do you agree that our thoughts shape our actions, our actions shape our habits and our habits shape our future? Well, if you stop and look closely at this, you’ll see that God has given us a tremendous gift! If we can deliberately choose our thoughts, we can have a huge impact on our future! That’s exciting!

Let’s embrace this power and freedom by surrendering to Christ and going for the life of purpose and fulfillment followed by true paradise in the next phase of our eternity with him.

Once we bring our thoughts into alignment with Christ, then he will give us the necessary clarity, confidence and courage to put the gifts he is giving us to good use for his glory. Then we’ll be doing and becoming all that he is equipping us to do and become!

Download my eBook, “Set Sail,” for all the details on how you can surrender to Christ and embrace the freedom he has given to each one of us to think and live our lives with purpose and fulfillment. See the link on this page.

Let’s shine bright!


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