Gifts and Blessings

What did God give you this year?

It’s almost here, the special time of Christmas get-togethers when gifts will be ripped open with wrapping paper flying and squeals of delight. Let’s pause to take a minute to consider the gifts God gave us this year.

Did he give you health? Work? Love of family and friends? Maybe he gave you a new interest in puzzles or an undiscovered ability in music, or a new hobby of cooking or gardening.

Maybe your priorities were adjusted, such as moving at a somewhat slower pace and taking in more of what your home and those close to you have to offer.

Or possibly you experienced, or are still experiencing, some really tough situations that make it hard to find the silver lining. My hope is that God will give you strength and peace as you look forward to new possibilities and potential for growth in 2021.

Let’s recognize the many gifts and priority shifts we experienced this year. It’s a great time to focus on what is truly important as we thank God for his incredible love and sacrifice, as well as this year’s unique gifts and blessings, including what might be under the tree.

Let’s shine bright,


P.S. For more on recognizing your unique gifts, abilities and priorities while glorifying Christ with each one, check out my eBook, “Set Sail.” Go here to learn more.

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